Acupuncture for Chronic Lyme Disease in Coeur d’Alene
Chronic Lyme Disease (CLD) and Post Lyme Disease Syndrome (PLDS) are growing problems in America and around the world. These are still controversial diagnoses, even though so many people suffer effects from Borrelia and other spirochete bacterial infections long after they have supposedly been ‘cured’ by conventional medical treatment with antibiotics. After treatment, patients may test negative for Lyme disease, even while they continue to have serious health concerns that can significantly interfere with activities of daily life. Contrary to popular belief, Borrelia Spirochetes are now endemic nearly everywhere that humans live and can infect people of any age. Spirochete bacteria can even be transmitted from person to person without tick or other intermediaries.
Gu Syndrome is a concept in Chinese Medicine that has been rediscovered and popularized by Heiner Fruehauf, PhD, LAc. Dr. David Campbell, DSOM, LAc spent a full year in direct mentorship with Dr. Fruehauf, as well as several years as his student in various courses at the National University of Natural Medicine ( In his articles on Gu Syndrome, Dr. Fruehauf explains how these enigmatic chronic diseases require a different methodology of diagnosis and treatment in Chinese Medicine (See: The original article on Gu Syndrome). Gu Syndrome herbal treatments have proven to be safe and effective for patients with Chronic Lyme Disease or Post Lyme Disease Syndrome. Dr. David Campbell often utilizes Dr. Fruehauf’s herbal formulations that are manufactured with the highest quality and purity by Classical Pearls.
Dr. David Campbell, DSOM, LAc loves living in and serving the community of Coeur d’Alene, Kootenai County, and the surrounding areas. Dr. Campbell has had a passion for Holistic Healing for over 20 years, and he spent 5 years in Doctoral program studying Oriental Medicine. David studied many styles of acupuncture, engaging in 5 different mentorship programs with highly experienced instructors, who were willing to share the depth of knowledge and techniques that made their clinical practice successful with their patients. While Dr. Campbell prefers finesse and gentler techniques, both in acupuncture and manual therapies, he is willing to engage with musculoskeletal issues at the depth necessary to release restrictions, reduce pain, encourage healing, and improve mobility. Dr. Campbell always begins by treating the ‘Root Pattern’ that makes itself apparent in the patient’s pulse, before treating the ‘Branches’ of disease-symptoms, because this contributes to better clinical results and patient healing that is more thorough and long lasting.